Advice to help entrepreneurs overcome challenges

Advice to help entrepreneurs overcome challenges

5 months agoPosted in Egg Partners

Are you looking for tips and strategies to overcome the difficulties of starting-up and scaling-up? We know the person to help, Angela Rieu-Clarke. She’s an innovative leader with a passion for people and the role of culture in small business. She helps start-ups and scale-ups by providing tailored solutions to fit your company objectives and mission. Her team at HR Consultancy Business Buzzqube are dedicated to supporting founders and business leaders at every stage of their journey, offering expert guidance and practical strategies to turn your vision into reality. Here she shares insights, top tips and cracking business strategies with egg…

Buzzqube: Empowering Startups to Scale Ups with Tailored HR Solutions

What experiences, achievements or setbacks have influenced your path as a successful leader?

In 2015, I applied for a “wee, part time job as an office manager”. Within 7 years we grew to more than 10x the size and were accredited as a Best Place to Work using our own staff feedback. I’ve since set up on my own and in just 8 months my new business Buzzqube has helped 8 different organisations with everything from setting up as an Employer to restructuring a workforce. It’s been challenging and so much fun!

Do you have any advice for anyone setting up on their own for the first time? Speak to everyone you know and use your network. I’m honestly terrible at networking because I’m actually a bit of an introvert, but almost every piece of work that’s come our way has come because people know me and know what I’m capable of.

What advice would you give to improve wellbeing at work and home? Prioritise family time. I am lucky enough to be around for my kids even now that they’re young adults and it’s made them and me happier individuals. They are independent young women, but they know I’m always here to run ideas past, to rant at (if needed) and for a much-needed cuddle. Being emotionally well supported is a huge part of wellbeing in my book.

Do you do have a fitness regime or go-to exercise class? I walk my dogs 2 or 3 times a day when I’m at home and I’ve just invested in a very small trampoline to bounce on - 500 bounces per day is where I’ve started - I’ll let you know if it keeps the chocolate cremes at bay!

How can your business help egg members? Buzzqube can set you up to employ staff with all of the Employment Law contracts and policies you need. We can also give you a wealth of tips and tricks on how to attract talent and grow a great culture. We’re all about teaching businesses how to do things for themselves and we’re great at doing a lot with a little.

Innovative Leadership: Angela Rieu-Clarke's Approach to Business Growth

Is an Employer Handbook mandatory for a business? No, it’s not legally required. Although it can be a great place to talk about your culture and expectations. It’s also the best place to keep your team right on Employment Law. If you’re an egg member and want to explore the options around a company handbook, contracts or other governance Buzzqube will give you an hour free to chat through your needs and come up with a plan for you.

Fun fact? I was a Trampoline Instructor for over 20 years after falling in love with the sport in my first year at university. I can still manage a somersault or two at well over the age of 40.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Ooh, I’d be able to emit a calming aura to diffuse tension and boost morale.

Your comfort food? Chocolate… it’s got to be a Fry’s Peppermint Creme!

Buzzqube is a HR consultancy business specialising in everything from start-ups to scale-ups. egg members get a free 'discovery hour' and 20% off the standard hourly rate by quoting the unique code. Don’t have an egg card? Sign up here. You can also contact Buzzqube direct by emailing [email protected].

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